{% set websiteConfiguration = user_service.getWebsiteConfiguration('knowledgebase') %} {% set website = user_service.getWebsiteDetails('helpdesk') %} {{ include('@UVDeskCoreFramework/Templates/lightskin.html.twig') }} {% for stylesheet in uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent('Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Dashboard\\Dashboard').getDashboardTemplate().getStylesheetResources() %} {% endfor %} {% block templateCSS %}{% endblock %} {% set bodyClass = '' %} {% set bodySkinClass = '' %} {% if app.request.locale == "ar" %} {% set bodyClass = 'uv-rtl' %} {% endif %}
{% if uvdesk_service.requestHeadersSent() == false %} {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('success') %}

{{ flashMessage|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('warning') %}

{{ flashMessage|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ 'Confirm Action'|trans }}

{{ 'Are you sure? You want to perform this action.'|trans }}

{% set currentUser = user_service.getSessionUser() %} {% if currentUser is not empty and currentUser.getAgentInstance() is not empty %} {% set currentUserDetails = currentUser.getAgentInstance().getPartialDetails() %} {% endif %} {% block sidebar %} {% if currentUser is defined and currentUser is not empty %} {% include "@UVDeskCoreFramework/Templates/sidebar.html.twig" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block pageWrapper %}
{% block pageHeader %} {% include "@UVDeskCoreFramework/Templates/header.html.twig" %} {% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% include "@UVDeskCoreFramework/Templates/pagination.html.twig" %} {# Confirm Action Dialog #}

{{ 'Confirm Action'|trans }}

{{ 'Are you sure? You want to perform this action.'|trans }}

{# Loader Template #} {# Full View Loader Template #} {# Notification Template #} {% endblock %} {# Custom Javascript #} {% for javascript in uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent('Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Dashboard\\Dashboard').getDashboardTemplate().getJavascriptResources() %} {% endfor %}