{% extends "@UVDeskCoreFramework//Templates//layout.html.twig" %} {% block title %} {{ 'Profile'|trans }} {% endblock %} {% set recaptchaDetail = recaptcha_service.getRecaptchaDetails() %} {% block templateCSS %} {% endblock %} {% block pageContent %}
{# Append Panel Aside #} {% set asideTemplate = 'Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Dashboard\\AsideTemplate' %} {% set asideSidebarReference = 'Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\UIComponents\\Dashboard\\Panel\\Sidebars\\Account' %} {{ uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent(asideTemplate).renderSidebar(asideSidebarReference) | raw }}

{{ 'Profile'|trans }}

{% set agentDetails = user_service.getAgentDetailById(user.id) %}
  • {{ 'Edit Profile'|trans }}
  • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
  • {{ 'reCAPTCHA Setting'|trans }}
  • {% endif %}
{% for message in app.flashes('warning') %}
{{ message }}
{% endfor %} {% for message in app.flashes('success') %}
{{ message }}
{% endfor %}
{% set isHaveImage = agentDetails and agentDetails.profileImagePath ? 1 : 0 %}
{{ 'Upload a Profile Image (100px x 100px)
in PNG or JPG Format'|trans|raw }}
{% if isHaveImage %}
{% endif %}
{{ "Choose your default timezone"|trans }}
{{ "Choose your default timezone"|trans }}
{{ 'User signature will be append at the bottom of ticket reply box'|trans }}
{{ 'Password will remain same if you are not entering something in this field'|trans }}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Enter your current Password to continue'|trans }}

{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}