{% extends "@UVDeskCoreFramework//Templates//layout.html.twig" %} {% block title %}{{ '#' ~ ticket.id ~ ' ' ~ ticket.subject }}{% endblock %} {% block templateCSS %} {% endblock %} {% block pageContent %}
{# Ticket Sidebar #}
{{ 'Ticket'|trans }} #{{ ticket.id }}
{{ 'Back'|trans }}
{# Ticket Information #}
{# Customer Details #}

{{ 'Customer Information'|trans }}

{% if customer.thumbnail %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ customer.name }} {{ customer.email }} {% if customer.contactNumber %} {{ customer.contactNumber }} {% endif %} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_MANAGE_CUSTOMER') %} {% endif %}
{# Ticket Details #}

{{ 'Total Replies'|trans }}

{{ totalReplies }}

{{ 'TimeStamp'|trans }}

{{ ticket_service.timeZoneConverter(initialThread.createdAt) }}

{{ 'Channel'|trans }}

{% if ticket.source == 'email' %} {{ 'Email'|trans }} {% elseif ticket.source == 'formbuilder' %} {{ 'Formbuilder'|trans }} {% else %} {{ 'Website'|trans }} {% endif %}
{# Edit Customer Info #} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_MANAGE_CUSTOMER') %} {% endif %} {# Edit Ticket #}
{# Update Ticket Agent #} {# Update Ticket Priority #}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_UPDATE_TICKET_PRIORITY') %} {{ ticket.priority.description|trans }}
{% else %} {{ ticket.priority.description|trans }} {% endif %}
{# Update Ticket Status #}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_UPDATE_TICKET_STATUS') %} {{ ticket.status.description|trans }}
{% else %} {{ ticket.status.description|trans }} {% endif %}
{# Update Ticket Type #} {# Update Ticket Support Group #} {# Update Ticket Support Team #}
{# Ticket Labels #}
    {{ 'Type atleast 2 letters'|trans }}
{# Ticket Collaborators #}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_ADD_COLLABORATOR_TO_TICKET') %}
{% endif %}
{# Ticket Tags #}
{% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_ADD_TAG') %}
    {{ 'Type atleast 2 letters'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{# Ticket Header CTA #}
{# Thread Actions #}
    {# Filter Threads #}
  • {{ 'All Threads'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Replies'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Forwards'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Notes'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Pinned'|trans }}
  • {# Update Threads #} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_EDIT_TICKET') or user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_DELETE_TICKET') %}
    • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_EDIT_TICKET') %}
    • {{ 'Edit Ticket'|trans }}
    • {% endif %}
    • {{ 'Print Ticket'|trans }}
    • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_UPDATE_TICKET_STATUS') %}
    • {{ 'Mark as Spam'|trans }}
    • {{ 'Mark as Closed'|trans }}
    • {% endif %} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_DELETE_TICKET') %}
    • {{ 'Delete Ticket'|trans }}
    • {% endif %}
  • {% endif %}
{{ uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent("Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Tickets\\WidgetCollection").embedSideFilterIcons()|raw }}
{# Ticket Active Users #}
{# Ticket Header #}

{{ ticket.subject }}

{{ 'Created'|trans }} - {{ ticket_service.timeZoneConverter(initialThread.createdAt) }} {{ 'By'|trans }} - {{ initialThread.user.name }} {% if totalCustomerTickets %} ({{ 'count more tickets'|trans({'count': totalCustomerTickets}) }}) {% endif %} {{ 'Agent'|trans }} - {{ ticketAgent ? ticketAgent.name : '' }}
{# Thread Tab View #}
{{ ticket_service.timeZoneConverter(ticket.createdAt) }} - {{ initialThread.user.name }} {{ 'created Ticket'|trans }} {% if initialThread.cc != '' %}
{{ 'CC'|trans }} - {{ initialThread.cc }}
{% endif %}
{% if initialThread.createdBy == 'customer' %} {{ initialThread.user.name }} {% else %} {% if initialThread.user %} {{ initialThread.user.name }} {% else %} {{ initialThread.user.name }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# Ticket Message #}

{% if initialThread.message|striptags == initialThread.message %} {{ initialThread.message|nl2br }} {% else %} {{ initialThread.message|raw }} {% endif %}

{# Ticket Attachments #} {% if initialThread.attachments|length %}

{{ 'Uploaded Files'|trans }}

{% for attachment in initialThread.attachments %} {% endfor %}
{% if initialThread.attachments|length > 1 %}
{% if initialThread.attachments|length %} Download (as .zip) {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ totalReplies }}
{# Reply Ticket View #}
{{ currentUserDetails.name }}
  • {{ 'Reply'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Forward'|trans }}
  • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_ADD_NOTE') %}
  • {{ 'Note'|trans }}
  • {% endif %}
{# Ticket Thread | Add Reply #}
{{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Redirect to list'|trans }}
{{ 'Reply'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit'|trans }}
  • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_UPDATE_TICKET_STATUS') %}
  • {{ 'Submit And Open'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Pending'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Answered'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Resolved'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Closed'|trans }}
  • {% endif %}
{# Ticket Thread | Forward Thread #}
    {% for agent in user_service.getAgentPartialDataCollection %}
  • {{agent.name}}
  • {% endfor %}
{{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Redirect to list'|trans }}
{{ 'Forward'|trans }}
{# Ticket Thread | Add Note #} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_ADD_NOTE') %}
{{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Stay on ticket'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Redirect to list'|trans }}
{{ 'Reply'|trans}}
  • {{ 'Submit'|trans }}
  • {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_UPDATE_TICKET_STATUS') %}
  • {{ 'Submit And Open'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Pending'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Answered'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Resolved'|trans }}
  • {{ 'Submit And Closed'|trans }}
  • {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent("Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Tickets\\QuickActionButtonCollection").injectTemplates()|raw }} {#
{{ 'Saved Replies'|trans }}
#} {#
{{ 'Prepared Responses'|trans }}
{# Edit Ticket #} {% if user_service.isAccessAuthorized('ROLE_AGENT_EDIT_TICKET') %}

{{ 'Edit Ticket'|trans }}

{# Edit Ticket Form #}
{% if initialThread.message|striptags == initialThread.message %} %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {{ uvdesk_extensibles.getRegisteredComponent("Webkul\\UVDesk\\CoreFrameworkBundle\\Tickets\\WidgetCollection").embedSideFilterContent()|raw }} {% endblock %} {% block footer %} {{ parent() }} {{ include('@UVDeskCoreFramework\\Templates\\attachment.html.twig') }} {{ include("@UVDeskCoreFramework/Templates/tinyMCE.html.twig") }} {% endblock %}